Don't you just love accomplishing something you never thought you could! I've had this privilege a few times in life and it aways surprises me. I graduated Cum Laude from college and I never ever thought I could pull that off! In high school I was much more concerned with cheerleading and boys than making grades. Well, after setback after setback in my "real career" this recession hit and my construction design job was put on pause for the foreseeable future. I started my CTMH business in August after teaching scrapbooking to little girls at church camp and loving it. I know, I may have blogged about that already. Anyway, CTMH sets goals for us and I think it's great that they do that. But, when I saw that a sales goal on my agenda was set for Nov. 1st I assumed I would never reach it. After all, I'm just starting out and I'm not a great salesperson, I just love to scrapbook. But, here I am only four days from that date and the prize is in sight!! In fact I only need about $110 in orders to hit it! I just love accomplishing something I didn't know I could. I sent out e-mails to all my Connections Club members letting them know that if they help me with this last little bit, I fully intend to shower them with goodies over the coming months. The prize isn't worth nearly as much to me as that feeling of accomplishment. Plus there's the added suspense of coming down to the wire. I'm a high school football lover and I get absolutely high on those close games! I guess it's the cheerleader in me. I was trying to figure out a way to put a clock on my blog or my website and a tally board showing how much time is left and how many dollars are needed. This business has been an adventure so far and I'm so grateful for it. I'm making new friends all the time and have developed relationships with other consultants from all around the country. It's very exciting.
I'll close with a little artwork. And G-O, go Connections Club!!!
Independant Close To My Heart Consultant
want a little..... place an order
want a lot........ host a gathering
want it all......... join my team